Shelby, it was so helpful to have the overview of an adequate & optimal meal. Considering Color & Fun in meal components is such liberating language! I'm working with a nutritionist who has been wonderfully supportive and we were just discussing how to take the pressure off - that I just want food to taste good and not hurt me and not be something I have to always think about. She reminds me over and over that I don't have to get it right every time. Healing from diet culture is hard and slow! I'm carrying Color & Fun as a way to add joy to this healing process 🙌

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Oh, Joan I am so glad this felt helpful. I love to bring attention to the reality that food is so much more than just "fuel".....but also, it doesn't need to be complex! It can be easy for our brains to try and put Intuitive Eating principles in the "diet box"--old habits die hard and all that. But I am always encouraging individuals to remember intuitive eating is an ongoing partnership and learning experience with their bodies. There is no "perfect" destination. Keep fighting the good fight, Joan! Thank you for taking the time to share how the article helped you:)

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